young professionals and geology students is an important
part of my business. The career of mineral exploration and
evaluation has been very good to me, both in my personal
development and financial security, for over 30 years and I
am committed to giving back to the business that I live and
I am fortunate to have had three mentors in my career that
furthered my professional development immensely: my
undergraduate advisor, Dr. Colin Barker, who taught me how
to teach myself and encouraged me to work independently in
my first research project; my first boss in mineral
exploration, Fred Jenkins, who showed me the copper oxide
nail test during my first day on the job in the Zuni
Mountains, New Mexico, 1976, and helped me become a very
good prospector; and finally, the most important contributor
to my career and success: my graduate school professor, my
mentor, my collaborator, my former business partner, but
most importantly my friend, Dr. Lee Woodward, now ten years
retired, who always edits my work anytime I ask and is still
the best fly fisherman that I know. |

of the cyclical nature of natural resource supply and
demand, our business is missing nearly a generation of
professional economic geologists. It is incumbent on my
generation to impart our knowledge and experience to
curious, enthusiastic, adventurous, and energetic young
explorers to meet the ever-growing, worldwide demand for
mineral commodities. My years of experience in a wide range
of activities from grass roots exploration to mine
development have afforded me a unique skill set that I wish
to share with young geologists.
A portion of my busy schedule is always devoted to training
and advising junior geologists. I am available for teaching,
mentoring and advising on professional career choices,
employment opportunities, mineral exploration, property
evaluation, and the financial aspects of venture capital and
the junior exploration business. If I can be of service to
you or your non-profit group by conducting seminars,
teaching classes, participating in field trips, or just
giving a little friendly advice, please do not hesitate to
contact me. I ask only that you cover my expenses if travel
is involved.
The next generation of economic geologists is very important
to our continued standard of living and the general
well-being of mankind. Sharing the insights of a combined 37
years of university education and work experience and
watching young professionals grow and mature gives me great
satisfaction and joy.
My mission is to encourage young geologists to follow the
rewarding, challenging, often difficult and sometimes
dangerous, but always adventurous and fascinating career of
mineral exploration.
See the world, explore, discover, develop, create wealth.
Mickey Fulp
Mercenary Geologist
Society of Economic Geologists Mentor Mickey Fulp
Mercenary Musing: The Importance of Mentors
